Monday, February 22, 2010

Shot #5: Another video injection and vomiting makes it debut

Injection number #5 is down and gone. Now we’ll see what side effects I have. “Sock-it to me Mama!” On Saturday I actually started to vomit. I’ve been feeing just on cusp until now and then it finally happened. So here is a video of injection number #5. As I mentioned on the video, my nurse called me today and told me that she’ll ask my doctor whether we should try intramuscular injections of Gavol and see if that my gets the tummy under control. I’ll update if there are new side effects, or there is a resolution of others.


David McHep C


  1. Thanks for doing this, David. I think you're doing a lot to demystify the whole experience of HepC treatment for the uninitiated.

    Hope your nausea clears up soon!

  2. That's a good point, Ken.
