Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Second Shot, Same As The First, But A Little Bit Harsher And A Little Bit Worse:

First I have a correction to make to my last posting. When I was talking about blood work and Viral Load (VL) calculations, I said that my VL was 14 million so a 2-log drop would be 140,000. Well, my VL is actually 40 million so a 2-log drop would be 400,000. Don’t ask me where the 14 million came from. There was never a 14 million count. I would like to blame it on brain fog, but since I had only been on treatment a few days… I got a clarification from my nurse yesterday too. As much as they would like to see around a 2-log drop, or undetectable would be even better, any decline is good news.

After my last injection I may have tooted my horn to soon when I said I hardly had any side effects. I felt OK the first night and most of Tuesday. Then Tuesday evening I began to feel a little achy. Like you feel when you are coming down with a cold or the flu. It lasted a few days and then I began to feel fairly normal before my next shot.

Yesterday my nurse came here to watch me inject myself. That went even smoother than I thought it would. As I said before I started treatment, I have a large canvas to work with, lots of surface to move from site to site. I have noticed that the site of the first injection has developed a small red rash. It isn’t itchy or anything, I just noticed it when I looked at it. Yesterday’s site is just a little bruise right now.

As for my reaction to this shot, last night I felt kind of nauseous and agitated. Both interfered with falling a sleep, or staying asleep. At first, I just had trouble nodding off because of the nausea. Then after I finally fell asleep, I woke up from the agitation. Then the agitation made it difficult to fall back to sleep. I also had a little trouble with my teeth chattering. It wasn’t much of a chatter but just enough to notice it. I woke up once during the night sweaty so I had to get up and dry off some before I could fall back to sleep. I tried napping today but I still have a bit of that chatter. I don’t know if it is caused by the agitation or because of small fevers. I know that I still feel kind of agitated, but I also switch from feeling hot to feeling cold when I lay down. So I am not sure what is causing my chatter. I am hoping for a better sleep tonight. I have an appointment on Thursday and I don’t want to go to it feeling whacked.

That is all I have to say for now. I’ll report more as I feel it necessary.

Cheers for now,

David McHep C


  1. Hi David, sounds like your par for the course right now. Your experience thus far really sounds alot like I remember. With the red patches, after 2 months they just stopped. Insomnia was a b**ch for me. Can you take any sleep aid. Even tylenolPM with benadryl helps, but I ended up with a sedative.And that chattering. That particular one is hitting you earlier than I got it. When I wasn't chattering, I found I was clenching my teeth and jaws alot.

    Hope you continue to manage the tx w/o too many sx. You ae very brave.


  2. Hi David, I changed nightgowns or T-shirts or whatever twice a night for months during tx because they would get soaked. That had also happened some summers before tx. No more!

    There can be outright suffering during tx, but it sure is worth while to fight Hep C. Hope you have great results.
    Irene (morphit)

  3. Well there you go. Irene and You Know Who know what that are talking about.
    Karen McSister
